“The best and most beautiful things
in the world cannot be
seen or touched.
They must be felt with the heart.”
~ Helen Keller
If you have noticed, I have converted this blog to a public domain www.leatherleatherleather.com. However, it does have some quirks with it. The images, gif and flash stored in my google site http://sites.google.com/site/leatherleatherleathersite/ does not appear anymore. E.g. leather background and flash banner.
Observation 1:
My initial suspicion could be godaddy.com does not know how to point to google site with ghs.google.com DNS or it has not resolved yet. I have decided to monitor for a few more days before I fix it.
Observation 2:
I noticed our affiliated blog http://leatherbeauty.blogspot.com leather background which is also from my google site also does not appear. Google site may have limited our bandwidth to that site. Still observing...
I have decided to fix the leather background first.

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